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(Photo credit: Pexels Photo by CoWomen)

Are you spending enough of your marketing budget on video?

Video is here to stay – but through our brand analysis process at DOTF, we’ve often noticed that brands are – all too frequently – still putting the majority of their marketing spend into the more traditional media, such as print, outdoor, online, SEO and television. We love traditional media – but there’s no denying the power of video – but don’t take our word for it, check out the stats from around the globe.

In 2022, video accounts for 82% of all online traffic (Cisco)

Statistics don’t lie, and this fact from Cisco’s research shows that the proof is in the percentage.

55% of people online watch videos every day. (MWP Research)

That’s more than half of your audience, and a full 14% more than the percentage of Australians who still read print media. (That’s 41%, according to Roy Morgan Research.)

500 million people watch videos on Facebook every day. (Tubular Insights)

Social media is huge. Online video is huge. Combining both is the easiest and most efficient way to reach the largest audience possible.

Online Customers

spend 2.6x more time on pages with video than without (Wistia)

are 4x more likely to watch a video about a product than read about it. (Animoto)

who view product videos are 1.8x more like to purchase the product than non-viewers. (Adobe)

With the internet in your pocket, every customer can now research anything their heart desires – using online video to highlight and display your products has proven to be the best way to engage and convert potential customers.

Including video in a landing page and increase conversion by up to 80% (Eyeview)

And whilst we’re talking conversion, having video up front has a staggering impact on your conversion numbers.

Your business is 53x more likely to show up on page one of Google if you have a video embedded in your website. (Forrester Research)

It’d be a waste to apportion a huge percentage of your budget to SEO and not remember the impact of video. 5300% is a massive difference in your site’s Google presence.

Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. (Vidyard)

That’s an almost 50% advantage over competitors that haven’t learned that video is the most effective marketing tool.

Of course, whilst video is the most effective weapon in your marketing arsenal, as with any tool, you have to know how to use it. The team at Department of the Future have almost 15 years experience creating video content and can create bespoke, innovative creative and strategy to help your business get the most out of video.